It is,


it is, 


it is.




Realities, figures, and data. Or to put it in another way: truths. For Axel Suppantschitsch, they are the basis of his work and therefore the measure of all things. The starting point. From there he recognizes structures, patterns, and processes. Beyond that, intuition lives. Not a contradiction, quite the opposite. 

Facts separate reason from superstition. They draw a line between the objective and the subjective. They arise from realities and are therefore an exact science. 

For Axel Suppantschitsch, they are orientation. They have no life of their own, no essence, but they force him to remain skeptical in his work, to ask the right questions, to open up and to reflect. He intuitively puts his finger on the wounds and finds the areas that are relevant for a consultancy service like this. This creates added value and facts where previously there were perhaps only assumptions. In all persistence.

Nevertheless, he cannot be reduced to facts. He simply bases his recommendations on them, points out dysfunctionalities, optimizes processes, thinks about structures and senses whether hypotheses are valid or not. Experience plays a major role here.


Axel Suppantschitsch is FACT IS FACT and therefore committed to the truth. Admittedly, this is sometimes unpleasant, but it is also urgently necessary. There is a system to it. And it has been for quite a while. 


A structured mind for better processing.


Because systems organize themselves consciously, and even more often unconsciously. This applies to dunes, clouds, the brain and also to companies. That's good, but sometimes it's not. 

Because organizations have their very own culture, in which the inside view and outside view (self-perception and perception by others) often diverge widely. And because their ability to change on their own is limited.

Because routines set in, tasks proliferate, blurriness arises and learned procedures increasingly slow down processes and cause structures to become encrusted. 

Because management is often a system of fiction and truth. Figures, data, and facts would speak a clear language. The only difference between words and figures is that far more people are guided by words than by figures. It is the meaning of what is weighed and measured that is therefore difficult for them to grasp.  

Because truth is never bad news, but an opportunity for perception. But it requires courage. Courage to speak it. Courage to accept it. Courage to leave the comfort zone. It's never easy, but it's worth it. 


It is the figures, data and facts that make it possible. They form the basis for sustainable change. 




Dysfunctionalities in project portfolios are symptoms. Their causes often go far beyond the projects themselves. The tip of the iceberg. Because projects are never free-floating artifacts but are always closely linked to the company. With correlations into all areas of the organization.

Organizational structure
Into the organizational structure that defines roles, establishes structures, and provides human resources - human resources for projects and processes. A lack of clarity in roles, competencies and powers inevitably leads to conflicts.
Process organization
Into the process organization, which creates value with management, core and support processes. Projects and processes are always closely linked. If projects and processes are not dovetailed successfully, projects become spanners thrown in the works.
Project organization
Into the project organization itself. It is based on structural and process organization. Projects and processes influence each other. Both positively and negatively. Strengthening the positive and mitigating the negative requires transparency and control. With project management standards that are consistently practiced. At all management levels.
Corporate management
Projects are only as successful as they are managed. At the individual project, multi-project, and portfolio level. Project teams are by no means solely responsible for success. Every management level must constantly contribute. With words and deeds. With authenticity instead of staging.
Corporate strategy
The corporate strategy is reflected in the project portfolio. Projects implement strategy and link back potential for strategy improvement. Strategic project organization and operational project organization in constant exchange. To manage the project portfolio in terms of contribution to success and risk exposure.
Corporate culture
Successful project organization requires a project culture. Project culture as part of the corporate and management culture. And leaders who shape and lead this culture by example. Culture eats strategy for breakfast. And transformation for lunch. Top down.
Digitalization automates processes and increases their efficiency. This also applies to projects. If project management standards are digitalized, compliant working methods are promoted and demanded. The consistency and completeness of the data pool increases, and the quality of reporting improves. But what is not formalized cannot be digitalized. And what is not digitalized is not lived by.
Applied Artificial Intelligence
Applied artificial intelligence requires large volumes of quality-assured data. Without successful digitalization and comprehensive data management, it is not possible to exploit this potential. No Applied Artificial Intelligence without formalization and digitalization of process and project organizations.
Digital transformation
Formalization of process and project standards. The holistic integration of digital technologies into processes, business models and corporate culture. The potential of Applied Artificial Intelligence as a key driver. With the target of significantly increasing the transparency, efficiency, agility, and customer focus of the corporate organization. Short: to improve competitiveness. This requires a holistic, strategic approach. And a sponsor at the highest management level.

Understanding and changing complex organizations requires a clear view and a lot of experience. Especially in project organizations. It also requires consistency in implementation. External support helps with this and has significant advantages. It remains unbiased and concentrates on the essentials. Management consulting is neither witchcraft nor rocket science, it is a proven and established form of cooperation between client and consultant.


Whether management consulting or interim management, Axel Suppantschitsch lives this cooperation in all straightforwardness and combats not only symptoms but their causes. No matter what and where they are. 



individual and credible
Axel Suppantschitsch calls a spade a spade. This creates credibility and ultimately added value. It is by no means a question of imposing "his" view of things on a company, but of creating a framework from figures, data, and facts. It is the framework for all further recommendations. Recommendations that do not reinvent the wheel but are based on the tried and tested. With room for individuality where necessary. The path that Axel Suppantschitsch describes is consistent and consists of: observe, recognize, understand and know. Because nothing is more credible than saying what is. 
uncomfortable, but necessary
Axel Suppantschitsch's ability to recognize structures, orders, strengths, and weaknesses is based on intuition and years of experience. Sensitivities do not play a role here. Consulting services such as these are not necessarily marriages of love, they are often simple necessities. What counts in the end is the result and a clear view of things. He separates the objective from the subjective. Reliably, predictably, and clearly. This is often easier from the outside than from the inside. Because without distance, it is impossible to move on to closeness. 
pragmatic and precise
Consulting is no longer just about knowledge. It is about implementing ways of thinking, creating systems. Temporarily or in the long term. With Axel Suppantschitsch, organizations bring ways of thinking into their structure and allow knowledge from outside to have an internal impact. On a pragmatic, but also on an emphatic level. There are no secrets, just a way of looking at things. Together, dysfunctionalities can be eliminated, and viable and sustainable systems can be created. 
analytical and goal-oriented
The core of the work is first of all to take a close look, especially at routines. Because they usually come in through the back door. Identifying established organizational problems and bringing them out into the open based on facts is the first step towards the truth. They have often existed for years and have long been an integral part of the corporate culture. Axel Suppantschitsch gets to the root of the problem, questions established processes and structures, examines their meaningfulness, and identifies unused potential. He looks for facts in figures and data. He uses them to build hypotheses and scenarios. A picture of what can happen. Both positive and negative. Straightforward and consistent, he never loses sight of the goal, no matter how complex the demands on the result. 
transparent and authentic
Collect, sort, classify and prioritize in order to draw comprehensible conclusions at the end. For this to work, you need complete transparency. In fact, on both sides. On the part of the client as well as on the part of the consultant. Good collaboration thrives on authenticity and respect. Then you can consistently search for the "pain points", go to the places where the pain and therefore the needs are greatest. 
networked and holistic
Experience has shown that connections only exist in the plural. Axel Suppantschitsch knows this and bases his recommendations on a holistic way of thinking. The holistic view of the system is the basis for a framework from which the strengths and weaknesses of a structure can be identified. He draws his information from various channels and sections of the organization. During his work, he is an integrated part of the company. Otherwise, work like this would not be possible. 
top-down and bottom-up
The path to a holistic view leads from the high-level to the details and vice versa. Both perspectives are relevant and ultimately paint an overall picture. A realistic image of the structures, including connections and interfaces. A pattern that can be laid over the organization like a blueprint. The proof is provided by the figures, data, and facts in the background. Objective and free of assumptions and superficialities. 
intuitive from experience
Intuition is not unscientific. Not at all. Because only those who are able to assess a research discipline can also assess its possible risks and side effects. Axel Suppantschitsch relies on facts. The decision to assess an identified fault as relevant, to pursue it further and to solve it is based on experience and intuition and the unbending will to achieve the optimum for an organization. Thinking things through to the end, eliminating uncertainties and optimizing processes is therefore always a question of will. On both sides. On the part of the client and on the part of the consultant. 


Changes arise from truths. From looking closely and becoming clear. This has nothing to do with sensitivities, but with seeing the unpleasant as an opportunity. That takes courage and attitude.







* Inhouse Management Position


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